Last Updated: February 2025
Whenever we think of conversion rate optimization, people generally tend to think about description, screenshots, and video. However, there’s one factor that is often overlooked: Most helpful section.
What is the Most Helpful Review (MHR) Section?
These are the first four reviews that you see when you go to download an app. This section is present on both Android & iOS.
Benefits of fixing MHR Section
- Better conversion rate
- Improving organic visibility
- Reducing Ad costs
How Does MHR Impact Store Listing Conversion Rate
People ask why this section is important. Now, just think – would you download a 4.5 star rated app, if the first page of reviews are negative? You might but it would be less likely. We’ve seen that MHR tends to impact the conversion rate by as much as 5% from your current baseline. So, if your store listing conversion rate is 50%, then 2.5% of it, could be influenced by MHR.
How MHR Improve Organic Visibility
If you have a better conversion for a specific keyword, it will improve visibility of the source. For instance, suppose a user comes to your store listing after seeing your app in your competitor’s similar app listing. If the conversion rate is higher, it would send a ranking signal to the Play Store or Apple Store.
Does MHR impact your ad costs?
Yes, MHR impacts your ad costs. Because UAC campaign costs factor in your conversion rates.