最終更新: 行進 2025
子育ては挑戦的でやりがいのある経験になる可能性があります, テクノロジーはそれを容易にするのに役立ちます. インドでは, 子育てのさまざまな側面で親を支援できる Android アプリや iOS アプリがたくさんあります, 子供の発達の追跡から毎日のスケジュールの管理まで. インドで最高の子育てアプリ 6 つを紹介します.
珍野: This app is designed for parents with children between the ages of 0 そして 6 years old. It provides daily activities and tips for parents to help their children develop cognitive, social, and emotional skills. The app also includes a progress tracker to monitor the child’s development.
My Baby Today: This app provides personalized daily development updates for parents of babies up to age 1. It also includes a feeding and diaper tracker, as well as expert advice and tips.
BabyConnect: This app allows parents to track their child’s daily routine, including feedings, diaper changes, naps, その他. It also includes a messaging feature so that parents can communicate with each other and share information about their child’s care.
My Kids Time: This app helps parents manage their child’s daily schedule and activities. It includes a calendar, to-do list, そしてリマインダー, as well as a rewards system to motivate children to complete their tasks.
ChoreMonster: This app makes it fun for children to complete their chores by turning them into a game. Parents can create chore lists and assign rewards, and children can earn points for completing their tasks.
OurPact: This app allows parents to manage their child’s screen time and monitor their online activity. It includes features such as setting screen time limits, blocking apps, and setting up schedules for device use.
全体, these parenting apps can be a useful tool for Indian parents to help manage and support their children’s development. Whether it’s tracking their child’s progress, managing their daily routine, or monitoring their online activity, these apps can make parenting a little bit easier.